Now & Then

Genre : Kumpulan Puisi
Penulis : Dinia Istika & Salma Ariana Taruna
Editor/Layout : Bolin
Desain Sampul : Mochamad Haririe
Penerbit : Harfeey
Tebal : 77 Hlm, A5
Harga : Rp29.000,-
Order : Judul_Jumlah_Alamat (WA 081904162092, BBM 7FA7F31F, LINE penerbitharfeey) atau ke

Sinopsis :
And if you ever  thought you could turn back time, change people, unmeet those who left footprints in your heart, and live a life the way you planned it to be… you’re completely wrong.
This is what we get from believing that we could.

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